If you are remotely interested in doing your part to help the environment and lesson the amount of toxic chemicals used in your home - this recipe is for you!
We have already made the switch to a homemade spray cleaner that we use on the floor, in the kitchen, in the bathrooms and on windows. (one part white vinegar to two parts water and a tablespoon of alcohol, dash of essential oil for smelliness) But we have been paying an arm and a leg for laundry detergent. Unless you have been living under a rock lately, you know that mainstream detergent has a number of harsh chemicals and is made using petroleum. Not necessarily something you would want to bath your grundies in and wear so close to your skin!
Natural Home magazine just sent me an e-mail that has a number of eco-friendly recipes to use in the home. Below is the one for laundry powder!
Simple Washing Powder
16 cups baking soda
12 cups borax
8 cups grated castile or glycerin soap flakes*
3 tablespoons lavender, lemon or grapefruit essential oil
Combine baking soda, borax and soap flakes. Add essential oil and mix with a wire whisk. Use 1⁄8 cup per load.
Yield: This recipe makes enough powder to last a family of four one year.
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